We are passionate about the data life cycle, from bare metal to deep learning, Alluxio to z-Scores. We help large organizations establish and grow their data science programs via technical and organizational consulting services. We also develop data-focused products. Our ultimate goal is to democratize Artificial Intelligence through better data management.

We specialize in rapid prototyping of ambitious solutions. Decades of experience in both software engineering and data science means we have strong instincts for what works and what does not work in a software project. Our intuition was educated while participating in many successful product launches for multiple Silicon Valley companies.

We are based in Wellington, New Zealand, but do business globally, with existing customers based in Asia, Europe, and the United States. Our clients include Fortune 500 companies, as well as startups and international NGOs. We deal with a diversity of organizations, people, and data problems, and this is what also keeps us having fun along the way. Find out more at - https://scie.nz/

Aorist is a tool for managing data for your ML project. It produces readable, intuitive code that you can inspect, edit, and run yourself. You can then focus on the hard parts while automating the repetitive parts. To get this, you just need a description of how your data is formatted and organized, and where it needs to go - https://github.com/scie-nz/aorist



We are a data studio in Wellington, New Zealand. We are passionate about everything data, Alluxio to Zenodo.